Monday, June 23, 2008

You are right.Maybe there is nothing to fear as God is there to help us.

Look,there are no doubts about it
and nothing to fear.You just stand
near the gate of Bhatia Gardens and
I will come there and see if you are
there.If I don't see there,thats all.
And my ride in my cycle will be a waste.
Please try to control your sleep as you
could,but I am not forcing you ok.
I am afraid that you won't come down.And
my parents will identify me,so it is up
to us.Wait for me there from 12am-2am.
Confirmed strictly as well.
by Shyam

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Doubtful of confirmation
Hi shyam.This is my first post.Err,what about our trip?Guess you need to confirm it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hi shyam,lakshana,barath,soumya!Parijath here.How are you all?I'm fine here.My school has started.It's going on well.All the best to all of you for coming exams and school,etc.Please keep in touch.Take care.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Are you there?

Are you there???

by Shyam
hey there's sweet as always to talk to're u?hey i would like to see one of ur photos if u cud post them on this blog.-apoorva.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Test test test

by Shyam

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bharat and Paari

I told you about the trip
or else...

by Shyam

Friday, June 6, 2008


Thank you so much.
hey shyam that new white t-shirt"b" one is fantastic.

The trip

Bharat and Paari

The trip must be early or else.....

by Shyam

I want all your sweet photos in this blog please...
by Shyam
hi shyam.ur photo was beautiful at the salt tell me what was that photo u asked me about?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The North Pole

The North pole is located at the top most part of the earth (Northern most area of the earth). There were a lot of ice and glaciers and some Eskimos with Igloos in Alaska and in Greenland.But in North pole nobody lives there, except a few Polar bears there. The temperature exceeds -20 degrees Celcius in peak winters and 05-10 degrees Celcius in peak summers. Rainfall is (below)<25cms in this particular area. Humidity is also less. Scientific warnings have been issued from the past 10 decades that the temperatures are likely to rise about 4-5 degrees in the North pole during the next 10 years.If the people maintain the earth very well, there will not be floods at all or the floods will be postponed after a 20 or 40 years.(The ice is likely to melt and cause floods reaching 3-6meters high all the coastal areas in the world during the same period)



Where are your photos? Please post them.
I am standing with my momy near the salt hill where
salt is manufactured.

I am standing near the steep sea shore.
hello?is anybody there?appu here.

I will inform Barath, Sowmya, Lakshana

I will call them to blog.
hi all.this is from parijath and appu

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Test post from Lakshu

test test test

From Barath and Sowmya

This test post is from Barath and Sowmya

Welcome to the blog

Hi Appu, Paarijath, Barath, Sowmy, Lakshana

Welcome to this blog. We can all chat here.